Local Products
In the area of Faliraki Rhodes around you can find everywhere traditional products of
the region and the island!
On our shelves in Faliraki there are products which have their name
associated with the island. Small and large companies have a big range of products.
Companies such as Vap. High-quality soft drinks and
juices gained the confidence of the world for their taste, The
well-known brand beer Zythos, which is on the top of Rhodes
consumer choices.
Rhodian Oil Pita Bread. Offers generously the traditional recipe of a
Pita . Dominates well-known Greek restaurants that can be
combined with : savory and sweet creations as its homemade
ingredients make it stand out.
Liber offers the experience of fresh milk.
Collecting milk from local farmers and producers creates the “Aplos fresco”
products for all of us.
Milk and dairy products such: Yoghurt, creams and other high
nutritional products can be found in our refrigerators.
A try will convince you what “Greek Fresh Milk” means!
Rhodian honey is at the highest levels in Greece. Local producers
breeds their bees and bring honey and beekeeping products to our
table as they must be pure and tasty!
Rhodes Beekeeping is a company that collects, produce and
creates for you, beside honey, all tastes and products labeled as
super-foods such as honey bars and the well known all over the world of delectable “melekouni”,
which is a combination of fresh
honey and sesame seeds of high nutritional value and taste!
Our islands olive oil is an award winning product worldwide!
Small and large producers on the island, bottle the oil of the
Rhodian land and display it generously on their shelves!
KAIR , is one of the most famous and award winning wine
companies in the world! The famous wine label have certainly come across of many
restaurants around the world ,taking advantage of the endless
expanses of grape varieties produces on the island ,creating for you
unique wine tastes of every taste that dominate our wine shops at Faliraki Rhodes!
Souma is an alcoholic beverage made only in Rhodes. It has been
known for a very short time that it has a taste for traditional Greek
tsipouro and may accompany any meal you choose from small
grape growers to small family bins and consider it after as wine.
The most natural alcoholic beverage available!
Coriander, is also a well-known liqueur made on the island!
With anise flavor and herbs from the Rhodians oil it brings out
flavors that will take you on a magical journey!
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