At Kalithies village you will also see the imposing church of the Metamorfosis of the Christ. It is a
byzantine architecture church, built circa 1870-1875. The Church was built to commemorate the
Transfiguration of Christ (Metamorfosis). During the church’s construction, a wooden byzantine cross of
unknown age was found. This is why the church also celebrates on the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on
September 14.
This celebration is one of the greatest on the island and it lasts for three whole days, 13, 14 and 15 th of
In the church you will marvel at the unique wooden altarpiece, dated back to 1891. The church’s icons
will definitely impress you, as they are surrounded by carved angels and flowers, framing the unique
At the church courtyard you will see a real miracle of nature: an impressive cypress tree which looms
over the courtyard and is said to be there since the church was first built. The miracle is that even
though, according to agriculturalists, the trunk and roots are dead, the tree is still green and continuous
to flower every year as if it were alive.
Here you can find more information about visiting the church, which is open at all times.